Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 Back to School

Whew!! What a day! Teaching was good today, B-day, easy day, no problem. We shall see what happens tomorrow. So after school errands, pick up baby, pick up kids, Cracker Barrel for some grilled chicken tenderloins, Girls scouts cookie sale meeting (Lord give me strength!) Then finally...SHRED time! Is is my imagination or did I do better tonight? I didn't have to take a 2 second break during jumping jacks, lasted much much longer on jump rope in place, I may have one better!!
Guess what? I had my husband take a BEFORE shot tonight...OMG it is awful...awful...I will only show it when it is next to my awesome AFTER shot. My daycare manager said I looked like I was losing weight, and a Dad at girl scouts shamelessly hit on me, so I guess I'm on the right track! LOL.
One egg on lite english muffin and coffee for breakfast, leftover pasta and chicken flatgiana, for lunch, yogurt, sf pudding, carrots, banana for snack and Cracker barrel chicken tenderloins, carrots green beans for dinner. SOOOOO tired, gonna go watch The Bachelor and go to bed!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Still, the beginning Shred day 3

Helllooooo! So before I get started blogging about my weight loss journey, I must say, YUCK to having to go back to work tomorrow. This past 18 days off , even with pain in the ass children has been lovely. Ok, so I woke up this morning and felt a little smaller, I know it is only day 3, but you know that feeling you get when you have stayed on your diet and exercised a couple days, and you JUST begin to feel that inner sense of well being? I didn't have time for a big breakfast cause of church, so I just had some yogurt and a cup of coffee. My church does a big breakfast after mass, and as I walked through the line, I almost forgot I was dieting. I almost grabbed a pastry, when I remembered I was tryng to eat healthier. So I just settled for some grits and a pancake. (I had to share with the baby) I even had water instead of th sugary oj substitute they have and milk. I came home and made a boars head turkey sandwich on light bread then made turkey kielbasa and potato wedges for the fam, I had a few bites. I guess here comes my mess up for the day, I made blueberry muffins because the box was there, and we have no sweets in the house except fat free pudding and skinny cow Well, I ate 2 muffins and had a third later after dinner...hello 12 points!!
So, I learned something today, ok, I already knew, but I reminded myself of somthing.... I can't have yummy fattening treats around or I will eat them AND I need to keep fresh fruits, and veggies on hand to snack on, not to mention drinking more water.
I napped for about 15 minutes then got my Shred on. I SO did not want to!! My muscles all hurt, and I was tired and snacky, but I went into Just Do It mode. I reiterate jumping rope in place and jumping jacks SUCK when you are pushing 300.
Dinner was AWESOME, I made something new!! I don't know what to call it, it was like chicken parmagiana made with ground chicken meat. So, it tasted like a flattened meatball. The beauty is no egg, no breadcrumbs, no frying in a cup of oil, and it was scrumptious!!! meatagiana, chickenflatparm???
So there ya go, third day of exercise and eating better complete. Yes, just eating better, not full fledged dieting at tis point. I have never embraced LIFESTYLE CHANGE, so I am really trying to now. I'm trying to improve calories and fat on my favorite dishes, eat more fruits and veggies, cut out soda and alot of sweets, and make better choices. This may mean I will still have a little pizza, or a muffin (or 3), but I am trying. So score for not eating alot at the church buffet, score for a light lunch, score for an improved dinner recipe, and score for exercising!!! Booooooo for 3 muffins and italian bread with dinner. We shall see if oing bac to work helps or hurts my efforts!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The beginning

I watched Julie and Julia the other night. It inspired me to start this blog about my weight loss journey. Yesteday, I bought Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred. Molly has been raving about it and doing it every day for months. I was worried that it would be too hard, and that I wouldn't be able to do it, but I think I can stick with it. Only 20 minutes a day, nd it has got to get easier!!

Today I am keeping Weight Watchers points for my food, and I did my Shred for the second day in a row. OMG, I can't move! If I get on the floor to play with the baby, I can hardly get up! I hope my muscles let me do Shred day 3.

So, today, breakfast was turkey bacon, 2 pancakes, coffee, and Oj. Mid morning I had yogurt, Lunch was Bonos BBQ turkey, rosted corn, green beans, and a couple of my husbands french fries. I couldn't resist the buttered toast, which I know was not the best choice! This blog must be honest though, I need to share my triumphs and failures. (I would like to point out that my keyboard sucks, 99% of any typos I may make will not be my fault!)

Finally, dinner... I roasted a whole chicken with lemon and rosemary, I cooked red potatoes with the chicken, nd baked some cornbread dressing. I know the dressing wasn't good, but it was already in the house and beggars can't be dieters for some side dishes. If it makes you feel any better, it was crunchy and it sucked. I am going to figure my points total for today and get back t you. I am allowed 34 points right now because I weigh ALOT... OK, honestly? I weigh 270!! Holy Shit, I weighed 180 2 years ago. (Shaking my head) Moving back to Florida, reuniting with my husband, and having a baby while working at my challenging school has not been good for my emotional eating, no doubt.

No matter!! Time to change. Time to get back to good habits, Time to stop having chest pains and turning away from my flub in the mirror. Unfortunately, it is also time to hear my own stomach hit my thighs while doing jumping jacks....sigh.... not for long. not for long. I was a real head turner for a while there, and I wouldn't mind living in that skin again. Wish me luck!!